Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fw: SMS for Blood Donors

From: DCW Behala
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 11:28 AM
Subject: SMS for Blood Donors

As you are aware earlier we took the initiative to collect Willing Blood Donors in DCW through this forum and we are happy to help in number of cases during last year.


Also we took an initiative to organize Blood Donation Camp in DCW in association with AMRI on 15th August, 2010, which in turns helped many of us during crisis.


During emergency we often need Willing Blood Donors. Here is a good option you may try anytime, anywhere in India. We request all willing blood donors to be registered with


To Contact Voluntary Blood Donors of your City


SMS DONOR<space>STD CODE<space>Blood Group to 09665500000.


Example: DONOR 033 B+


Alternatively, if you are searching for blood donors in Metros like Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai please use the option given below so that it is easier for the blood donors to commute and help you out. This option will help you locate the nearest donor in your area.


SMS DONOR PIN <Space>Six Digits Postal Pin Code<Space>Blood Group to 09665500000     


Example: DONOR PIN 700061 B+ve


Important Instruction:-

Please use the option only if you need blood donors for your near and dear ones. Cross check with the relatives and patients about the exact blood group. Once you receive a donor's number and Donor also receives an SMS alert with your number. Indian Blood Donors doesn't give the same number to anybody else. When you receive the Donors Number call them up immediately.


- Moderators

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